Saturday, June 20, 2020

This Dystopian Life

So I know I have an unpopular opinion on masks right now.  I don't want to wear one. Since I am not sick, it doesn't make sense for me to wear one other than to protect myself.  I live alone.  There is no one in my house but me, and I don't go to work with anyone right now. Basically, other than my family members who I see about once a week, who pretty much feel the same as I do about masks, I don't come in contact with anyone if I did get sick. And if I did get sick, I'd definitely wear the mask when I left my house, if I left my house.  If I got sick, I'd stay home. 

People say it's selfish to not want to wear a mask because I'm not thinking about other people.  Again, I am thinking of others, and I'm not sick.  I have the conditions that tend to do poorly with the disease if I were to get it.  I have asthma.  I am probably pre-diabetic.  But it's my choice, right?  My body?

I mean, in this case, it really just is my body.  I feel abortion is more than just the woman's body, it is her child's body. What if that child is a woman?  Did we then take away that woman's choice to live?  But I digress.

My point is, I'm okay if this is what gets me.  As I've posted before, I don't care if I keep living because I have nothing to live for.  I'm a waste of space and resources.  Also, I've read a lot of dystopian books, they used to be my favorite type of read.  Now, I'm pretty sure I'm okay not being Katniss or the heroine, especially since I'm too old for that.  I'm okay with being one of the people lost before the whole dystopian world comes about. 

Anyway.  My two cents.  If we never go back to anything close to what normal was, I'm okay with the fact that compared to some people I have lived a "privileged" life and am ready to let others do the same.  I'll be done, and let someone else have my space and resources.