This post ties in to the last one, which I know was a while ago. But as I see my mother missing out on things because her only grandkids are from her son and not her daughter, I find myself again wishing that I'd not been so careful to not get pregnant. I mean, what would it hurt if I hadn't finished college right away? I mean it's not like I even got a teaching job right after I graduated. I spent a year substitute teaching and took a few graduate classes which I did poorly in. They were science, and much more technical than most of the science classes I'd taken to be a science teacher. I had job offers that first year, they just would have meant I had to move away from home, and I really didn't want to. I mean, what if I'd just gone ahead and taken one of those in the tiny towns? Maybe I'd have met and married someone?
I just know there are things I would want my own mom for if I had a kid, just like I'm sure my sister-in-law prefers her own mother for.
Just feeling it today as my mom is disappointed to not get to spend the evening of my niece's actual birthday with her. Or be invited to her friend birthday party tomorrow. When my niece was born, it was two months early, and she had a twin brother that was still born. So we were all there driving to the hospital for two months to see her and so excited when she got to come home. It is my family and my mom who get called all the time for emergency babysitting because the in-laws don't live in town, so I get why my mom feels a bit left out. I also get that I get that same trait from her.
Needed to get that out.